Our Pastor
Rev. Myles is originally from Clarksdale, MS, where he graduated from Coahoma County Sr. High in 1995. After graduation he entered the U.S. Marine Corps where he was an Infantryman/ Presidential Honor Guard in Washington, DC. He served at several USMC bases, but after 9 years of exemplary service, he joined the US Army where he continued his stellar performance and service to our country.
After several combat deployments, he was eventually medically retired in 2013 for combat injuries. He joined the Lewis Chapel MB church when his military assignment brought him to Ft. Bragg in 2011. Under Pastor John D. Fuller, Sr., he grew in his spiritual walk and church leadership. But it was under his current pastor, Dr. Christopher D. Stackhouse, that he accepted his calling to preach God’s word. It was also under his leadership that he was sent to the Ordination Academy held by the Union Missionary Baptist Association where he received honors as the top Graduate. Having come from a family of Baptist preachers, he has a solid scriptural foundation but having a mentor like Dr. Stackhouse has been invaluable. Finally, he is married to the former Velvette Jones; they have a boy and girl twins, Braylon and Noelle.
Other Notable Credits to Rev. Myles
ASSOCIATE MINISTER • LEWIS CHAPEL MBC • JUNE 2022 – PRESENT Assist the Senior Pastor with ministry tasks as assigned.
PASTOR • OAKRIDGE MB CHURCH • FEBURARY 2021 – JUNE 2022 As a Pastor during the pandemic, I was responsible for successfully reopening of the church in a safe and secure environment. I was responsible for the overall spiritual and financial health of church. Streamlined the worship service to be inclusive of in-person and virtual congregation. Updated the technology in the sanctuary to enhance the Audio/Visual Ministry. Updated the church Constitution and ByLaws.
ASSOCIATE MINISTER • LEWIS CHAPEL MBC • JANUARY 2017 – JUNE 2022 Assigned to preach or teach Bible study at our other Lewis Chapel locations whenever the need arises. Assisted the Site Pastor at Lewis Chapel – Raeford as the Worship Leader.
THIRD VICE PRESIDENT OF LAYMEN’S LEAGUE• LEWIS CHAPEL MBC • NOV. 2014 – NOV 2015 Planned fun outings for the League, played an active role in recruiting and retaining members.
PRO TEAM MEMBER • LEWIS CHAPEL MBC • JUNE 2015 – PRESENT As a member of the 4Him Outfitters (An outreach ministry of Lewis Chapel) I helped plan events for the year. Through this outreach ministry we have: Witnessed to the unsaved/unchurched, formed Christian fellowships with men from other churches, attended to the needs of our homeless brothers and sisters, and contributed to the Christian education of our members.
Our Church History – A Synopsis
The Mays Grove Baptist Church was organized on July 2, 1911. It branched from the Brown Grove Baptist Church in Burke County, Georgia. The first service was held just across the creek on the W G Mays place. Some of those present were, Rev P C Calhoun, Sr, Rev Ruben Green, Dea Alex Hines, Sr, Bro R C Calhoun, Dea Sam Smith, Bro Joe Bostic, Dea Will Batie, and Dea P C Calhoun, Jr. The Articles of Faith was read by Bro P C Calhoun. Rev P C Calhoun read the scripture from Matt 19:1-2. Rev Green lined a hymn and said the prayer. Rev Calhoun preached the first sermon from the 20th Chapter of St Matthew. His subject was “Working in the Vineyard.” Dea P C Calhoun, Jr led the congregation in prayer. Bro R C Calhoun talked about the church. Then the first officers were elected, namely, Rev P C Calhoun, Sr as pastor, and Dea P C Calhoun, Jr as Secretary and Treasurer.
Rev P C Calhoun, Sr served until his passing in 1919. The church moved from a bush arbor to a building on land donated to the church. Thirty members joined during his watch.
Rev Ruben Green served for one year and resigned.
Rev A K Alphord served for two years. He ordained two deacons, and brought in three members.
Rev J D Hampton from Augusta served two years. Six members joined.
Rev P C Calhoun, Jr, the son of the house, served as pastor for one year. During his administration five were baptized, and three deacons were ordained.
Rev Joe Willis served for six years. He baptized eleven, took in one by letter, and ordained two deacons. An addition was made to the building.
Rev Earnest Singfield was elected pastor in 1939. He proved to be a preacher, teacher and Christian worker. During his four decades of service, much work was completed spiritually and physically. He ordained eight deacons, accepted the Rev July Cooper as Son of the house, and named Rev Thomas Walker as assistant pastor. The building was renovated from top to bottom. Electricity was installed, new pews purchased, brick steps were added and numerous other improvements were made. Land was purchased adjoining the original lot in 1970. In 1972 the church dedicated its new building during its church anniversary service. The Rev Singfield celebrated his 38th anniversary in May 1977. After this celebration he took a well-deserved vacation. He asked the Rev William Blount to serve in his absence the first Sunday in July. On July 11, 1977, the church received the shocking news that Rev Singfield had passed. One of God’s best was called home. Words cannot do justice in describing Rev Singfield’s service to this church. We believe that during his passing, he heard the words of this hymn: “Servant of God well done. The battle is fought and the victory won. Enter into thy Masters joy.”
The Rev William B Blount was called to pastor in November 1977. During his four years of service, he ordained one minister and one deacon. He also took in one member by Christian experience. He established a youth department, and reorganized the Jr Choir. Work was also done on the building.
The Rev Alvin Lewis, Jr, another son, was called to lead this congregation in 1982, and is still serving. His service has brought many changes to the church. The church now meets every Sunday instead of once each month. Rev Lewis has ordained two ministers, seven deacons and baptized several members. During his administration, the church has achieved the following accomplishments:
• built a fellowship hall with baptismal pool; added central heating and cooling systems.
• purchased land for future development;
• purchased an electronic keyboard, a piano, and drums for the choir;
• started a Jr. Sunday School class and mid-week activities for the youth;
• started a monthly Sr. Citizens hour and luncheon, Wednesday night Bible study, a food ministry, and a 4th Sunday night Youth Service with a Youth Minister.
• initiated and completed adding an addition to the front of the sanctuary to include bathrooms and classrooms;
• initiated and completed remodeling the pastor’s study and other rooms at the back of the church.
• initiated and completed the paving of the church grounds.
• initiated and completed having an upgrade to the audio system and installation of an audio/visual network to include TV monitors throughout the sanctuary, in the fellowship hall, in the pastor’s study, and in the foyer.
In January 2023, Rev. Lewis announced that he would be retiring after our church anniversary in July. The church sponsored a retirement banquet that was held on May 6, 2023, at The Stone Springfield AME Church Williams/Handberry Life Center with Rev. Thomas Walker, Son of the House, rendering the retirement message. After being lead for nearly 42 years, the church now had to begin its search for a new shepherd. Several applicants interviewed, but after careful review from the pastoral search committee, three names were presented to the church body for consideration. The church body elected its 10th pastor on January 5, 2024. The Rev. Keith Myles was chosen to lead this flock. His pastoral installation will be held on April 14, 2024, with Rev. Rex Wright and the Oakey Grove Baptist Church in charge of the installation services.
God has blessed us for over a century of crying in the wilderness. Let us not forget where He has brought us from and what He has done for us. Remember, He did not bring us this far to leave us now. He still has great things in store for those that love him. Let us walk by faith and not by sight as we press forward for higher ground in this new millennium…. as we continue to be The Lighthouse in the Community.